Lifestyle Center Timeline

Birmingham, Ala. (July 22, 2016) – In the 2000s, the lifestyle center became the darling of retail shopping.  In the years from 2000 to 2008 CMH designed 23 lifestyle centers with a total area of 7.8 million square feet.  See chart below to view our major contributions to the rapid rise of this popular shopping venue.

Lifestyle Center Timeline (1)


CMH Celebrates 35 Years – Iss. 2, the X Files – Unbuilt Designs

Birmingham, Ala. (April 6, 2016) – To further celebrate our 35th Anniversary year, we’re looking back at some of the projects we designed, which were never built. These projects were out-of-the-box, ambitious and a little “over the top,” but we had so much fun with these creative design solutions. Hope you enjoy seeing them as much as… Continued

Cross Church Ground-breaking

We are so excited to be a part of this wonderful project! Check out Cross Church‘s ground-breaking on their Fayetteville campus here!