Lifestyle Center Timeline

Birmingham, Ala. (July 22, 2016) – In the 2000s, the lifestyle center became the darling of retail shopping.  In the years from 2000 to 2008 CMH designed 23 lifestyle centers with a total area of 7.8 million square feet.  See chart below to view our major contributions to the rapid rise of this popular shopping venue.

Lifestyle Center Timeline (1)


Gus Mayer Relocation Spotlight

Birmingham, Ala. (June 17, 2016) – We are ending the work week with a spotlight on one of our older projects, the relocation of the Gus Mayer!  The owners at Gus Mayer approached CMH regarding design of their new store at The Summit, asking for a new store that would clearly define their position in the… Continued

Cross Church Ground-breaking

We are so excited to be a part of this wonderful project! Check out Cross Church‘s ground-breaking on their Fayetteville campus here!

CMH Architects Celebrates 40 Years in Business

CMH Architects celebrated its 40th Anniversary on October 20, 2020. Founded in 1980, CMH has designed and completed over 1,000 projects—including churches, educational, institutional, mixed-use, office, retail, and residential developments—in 30 states across the country as well as in Puerto Rico and Japan. The firm has been at the forefront of industry trends, notably designing… Continued