Meet our New Hire: Katherine Looney

Birmingham, Ala. (August 2, 2016) – Time for another introduction to one of the newest members of the CMH family!  We are delighted to acquaint you with our very bright and hard-working interior design intern: Katherine Looney.  She took some time to write about herself and her life below. Take a peek!

“I started working at CMH on February 22 of this year.  I am 24 years old (25 in August), and from Decatur, AL!  I studied interior design rather than architecture; however, I became interested in design in general when I realized how much of an impact the space around me had on my mood and feelings.  My parents built our family house when I was around 3 years old, but I remember going to the muddy site and seeing the house in progress which was exciting.  It really is crazy though how much the space you inhabit impacts everything from your health to your mood to your productivity level, and that is where my main interest in architecture and design comes from.  I graduated from Auburn University in 2014, and studied abroad in Italy for three months the summer of 2010. That experience had such a great impact on my life… being able to immerse myself in a new culture, and getting to experience a culture older than our country (not to mention food and wine!) was amazing.

Justin Burkholder, who works at CMH as well, and I have been together almost six years now (It will be 6 years as of September 1st). I enjoy getting outside and taking Baxter (my 4 year-old dog) for walks, meditating and doing yoga, as well as practicing calligraphy and doing generally crafty/artsy things.  My favorite band/music changes all the time but I am currently obsessed with Post Modern Jukebox.  They do covers of popular songs in old styles such as 20s swing or 40s/50s doo-wop – it’s great!  The thing that I like the most about living in Birmingham is that there is so much to do – places like Red Mountain Park are a great get-away on the weekends. Only complaint I have is that there are no Krogers (sorry Publix)!  So far my favorite thing about working at CMH is that it feels like a family… being a smaller firm helps you to create relationships with everyone you are working with on a daily basis.”

Welcome to the CMH community, Katherine!


Welcome Back Bradford!

It’s time to welcome back a familiar face to CMH. Join us in welcoming back our summer intern, Bradford Moore! Bradford is a Birmingham native and a fourth-year architecture student at Auburn University, returning to CMH Architects, Inc. to join us for another summer internship. She held a student internship position here last summer and… Continued

Holiday Luncheon

A snap from our Holiday Luncheon this past Friday at the delightful and delectable FOODBAR. We are feeling very festive and also immensely grateful for our awesome CMH family this joyful season. Happy Holidays from everyone at CMH! 

CMH Baron’s Night

Birmingham, Ala. (June 15, 2016) – Last week, the CMH team got together and attended a Birmingham Barons game at Region’s Field in downtown Birmingham.  While the Barons played against the Mobile Bay Bears, the CMH community enjoyed food, drink and baseball while mingling with each other and their families.  It was a blast.  Stay tuned… Continued