CMH Designs Innovative Third Expansion of Successful Retail Center

Birmingham, Ala. (Aug. 15, 2013) – The Phase III expansion of the Bridge Street Town Centre in Huntsville, Alabama, is underway and includes a new flagship two-level Belk department store, a new parking garage, and approximately 50,000 square feet of additional retail and restaurant buildings. The western portion of the existing lake has been drained and filled in to create the expansion site and a new waterfall feature will be added to define and accentuate the remainder of the lake. Belk and the adjacent new retail buildings will open onto a new “center court” featuring a large green space that can accommodate featured events, displays, and other activities already enjoyed by the Bridge Street patrons.

The new construction will complement the diverse mix of tenants and building types already at Bridge Street, which currently includes nearly 350,000 square feet of retail and restaurant tenants, the Westin Huntsville, the Monaco Pictures theater, and a low-rise office building, as well as 2nd-floor offices in one of the buildings. Dating back to its grand opening in 2007, the centre has undergone continued growth and success, including a 105,000-square-foot power center addition that was also designed by CMH and completed in early 2012. The anxiously awaited completion of this newest phase is expected in fall 2014.


Riverchase Renovation

As part of an overall renovation of the Riverchase Galleria, CMH developed a phased renovation of the mall concourses, center court, restrooms, and parking decks. This beautiful image shows the innovative fabric design at work in the cavernous, skylighted food court. It adds tons of “color and interest” to the space. The parking deck renovations… Continued

CMH Uses Innovative Fabric Design in Galleria Renovation

Birmingham, Ala. (Sept. 6, 2013) – When the owners of the Galleria explained that they wanted something “to add color and interest” throughout the interior of the cavernous skylighted structure— something of significant size that would not interfere with access to the sprinkler, HVAC, electrical, security, or lighting systems—the design challenge was set. The CMH team began brainstorming and… Continued

The Outlet Shops at Grand River

Leeds, Ala. (April 26, 2016) – Shown above is the pavilion area at The Outlet Shops of Grand River in Leeds, AL lit up in the early evening. A nice place to grab a breath of fresh air and get some shopping done.