Riverchase Renovation

As part of an overall renovation of the Riverchase Galleria, CMH developed a phased renovation of the mall concourses, center court, restrooms, and parking decks. This beautiful image shows the innovative fabric design at work in the cavernous, skylighted food court. It adds tons of “color and interest” to the space.

The parking deck renovations include aesthetic and lighting upgrades and replacement/upgrade of existing stairs ‐ all phased to meet City code requirements and the mall’s holiday schedules. Improvements are carefully coordinated with mall activities. The use of 3D surveying was used to augment poor existing building drawings. SketchUp modeling of the Food Court and Revit Modeling of the drainage system for the building was performed.


The Burkholders Take NeoCon!

NeoCon is a conglomeration of manufacturers, dealers, designers, architects, and media who join to enjoy over 1 million square feet of cutting-edge products and services from incredible companies that provide access to pioneering design solutions. Last month, NeoCon 50 took place in Chicago, IL. CMH had the pleasure of sending our interior designer, Katherine Burkholder,… Continued

Retail Development Is Main Focus of Renowned Architectural Technology Summit

Birmingham, Ala. (Jan. 28, 2014) – At the recent Autodesk University—an annual summit held by the technology giant responsible for the groundbreaking software programs AutoCAD and Revit—an entire day of the conference was devoted to retail development, with prominent developers in attendance. Revit is a Building Information Modeling (BIM) software program that creates dynamic 3D models that provide smart… Continued