Birmingham, Ala. (February 19, 2016) – Foundation work has begun on a new house in Vestavia Hills that CMH’s own Michael O’Kelley designed for Myrick Gurosky & Associates. Above is a sneak peek at one of the original concept elevations.
Birmingham, Ala. (February 19, 2016) – Foundation work has begun on a new house in Vestavia Hills that CMH’s own Michael O’Kelley designed for Myrick Gurosky & Associates. Above is a sneak peek at one of the original concept elevations.
We are so excited to be a part of this wonderful project! Check out Cross Church‘s ground-breaking on their Fayetteville campus here!
Meet CMH’s newest Intern Architect, Osvaldo “Ozzy” De La Torre. We talked to the recent Auburn grad about family, his favorite projects, and more.
Birmingham, Ala. (May 24, 2016) – The first McDonald’s opens in Moscow. Smoking is banned on all domestic flights. Driving Miss Daisy won the Oscar for Best Picture. The U.S. Census Bureau recorded 249 million U.S. citizens. The Americans with Disabilities Act became law. The first known web page was written. Operation Desert Storm begins with air strikes against Iraq,… Continued