CMH-Designed Dining Hall Debuts on UA Campus

Birmingham, Ala. (August 28, 2014) – Students returning to the University of Alabama will have new dining options this fall, in a dining hall designed by CMH Architects. The Fresh Food Company has moved into a two-story, 43 thousand square foot building that seats 500 people and is capable of serving 4500 meals per day. Early reviews are in, and The Fresh Food Company is a big hit on campus. Students have flocked to the new space’s seven themed food-service areas.

“Fresh Food Company is the new favorite dining hall on campus,” says Haley Baker (’17). “The new facility is much bigger than the old one, so more students get to enjoy it. And, it’s on a side of campus where there were no food options.” According to staff, it is “like no other facility” they have on campus.

See link for more information:



Lifestyle Center Timeline

Birmingham, Ala. (July 22, 2016) – In the 2000s, the lifestyle center became the darling of retail shopping.  In the years from 2000 to 2008 CMH designed 23 lifestyle centers with a total area of 7.8 million square feet.  See chart below to view our major contributions to the rapid rise of this popular shopping venue.

Meet our New Hire: Justin Burkholder

Birmingham, Ala. (Aug. 23, 2016) – Time for another introduction to one of our new hires!  This week, help us in welcoming, Justin Burkholder, our Intern Architect and IT director into the CMH family!  He works diligently and balances responsibilities in two different realms of the office, and we are immensely grateful for him.  He took… Continued

CMH Transforms Abandoned Grocery Store into a Modern Day Library and Public Facility

Birmingham, Ala. (June 23, 2014) — After extensive planning, the Athens-Limestone Public Library renovation project has begun construction. This project involves the conversion of an abandoned Kroger grocery store building into a versatile community facility. The building incorporates a public library, rentable large meeting room, rentable small meeting room, computer lab, coffee and snack area,… Continued