Biltmore Baptist Church Renovation

Hendersonville, NC (June 28, 2016) – After completing a project on the Biltmore Baptist Church’s main campus in Asheville, NC a few years ago, CMH was asked to design its fourth satellite campus.  The project included 29,500 square feet of renovated space that was a retrofit of an original warehouse building formerly occupied by a NASCAR race team.  Thus, CMH had to take a creative approach to adapt and reuse the former building while working within a tight budget and a very tight construction timeline.  The new renovated space houses +/- 750 worship seats along with preschool, multi-use worship and children’s classroom spaces.


CMH Baron’s Night

Birmingham, Ala. (June 15, 2016) – Last week, the CMH team got together and attended a Birmingham Barons game at Region’s Field in downtown Birmingham.  While the Barons played against the Mobile Bay Bears, the CMH community enjoyed food, drink and baseball while mingling with each other and their families.  It was a blast.  Stay tuned… Continued

The Birmingham 205

Birmingham, Ala. (April 29, 2016) – BHM BIZ has named the Birmingham 205, a list of the Magic City’s most influential executives.  CMH’s President, Everett Hatcher, made the list!  Peruse the publication here and see if you can find him!

Roger Sparks, Artist and Architect

Birmingham, Ala. (May 19, 2016) – Roger Sparks, one of the CMH family, is both an artist and an architect.  He and his wife, Rosie, who is a full-time artist, have started a side family business, Sparks Design.  Through their work they try to share their delight in the natural & imagined elements of the… Continued